Doctor Voldritch's Experiment
:big edit2: This game is not really intended for first time recreational hypnosis, LavLabs has an introduction to hypnosis and Mezmaglitter's new age route is better suited.
:edit: no nsfw in comments thx
This is a sci fi visual novel intended to hypnotize you with suggestions/triggers and a bonus QnA at the end. For those not familiar with hypnosis, the game is suppose to relax you and make you calmer (think of it similar to a guided meditation app but with a science-y theme). I didn't make it with the intention for people new to hypnosis at all. Please research hypnosis before doing it, especially recreational hypnosis.
The story:
It seems you signed up for an experiment at a lab testing the effects of mind control. The experiment is led by a rather calm yet eccentric doctor named Voldritch who will help you through the experiment and ease your mind leaving you, well, mindless.
The web version runs a bit slower depending on your computer/internet so there's always the downloadable options.
Made by me and with help with my friend Chef.
Soundtrack: https://bloof.bandcamp.com/album/doctor-voldritchs-experiment
next game in the series: https://bloofbloof.itch.io/lavender-labs
If you want more voldie, I have a comic series: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/bloof-comics/list?title_no=485655
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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he reminds me of that one scientist and mini lil guy animation or was it a game?? i forgor
hes so pretty i want his gender
his gender is voldritch
I love him so much i just wanna coddle him to sleep beneath blankets that I draped over him and give him the smoochest kiss ever on his forehead to portray how much of the world I would give to him. make him dateable pslpslspspss
it's not a dating game, its suppose to help you with stress
I know, I've played that game four times in total 👀 Though the idea of making him dateable is already expected to not be a feature, I still enjoyed the game regardless. The ending of the flirting route, despite not what I expected at first, gave Mr. Voldritch characteristic I don't usually see in other characters (The way you made his personality is chefs kiss). From my observation it was as if through a lot of time of isolation and surrounded by work and hamsters?, Mr. Voldritch is simply not very familiar with the concept of someone hitting on him lol(IF I'm right. School has made me subconsciously reflect on things that probably don't even have a deep meaning or lore).
Back to the game in general, the hypnosis worked. I've never come across a visual novel that embarks on a journy of making the player calm through hypnosis. Thank you for making this game, Bloof 🫶
The romance route is the bad ending and it's there because the hypnosis community associates hypnosis = romance. I'm mostly making fun of how toxic the community is because they tend to harass random hypnotists to expect to hookup. It's a long running joke of mine that's kinda lost on most people playing the game who never interacted with them.
Anyway, thank you! There's more games out there and i'm developing one.
Me dozing off at the keyboard did not in fact stop me from respectfully simping for the Doctor, I fear.
10/10 would get hypnotized again.
Why is he RUNNING FROM ME!?!
You scared him!
I've been lurking for hypno audios and texts for quite a while but never seen a hypno game like this. Consider myself usually hard to get into deep trance but I almost drift off from the first repetive triggers, had to wake up a bit to finish the game lol. Great experience
Aw that's nice! I have more games like this and plan to make more.
Me gusto bastante el juego, fue relajante, esta muy bueno
this game did make me feel pretty relaxed. is it supposed to do that? I cant really understand the point, sry lol.
great game though!
Yeah that's the point of the game! It's to help you relax. Glad you enjoyed it.
this may be a minor glitch but I’m playing the game and when I tried to run the game (using the run game button) I didn’t see any text or dialogue. (I’m new to itch io and for some extra info if it’s helpful I’m on an iPhone 8 Plus)
The game is not formatted for an iphone...
I'm trying to figure out if this worked on me or not. I'm really new to hypnosis, so I'm not sure how it is supposed to feel... but I don't think being able to instantly snap out of it by just... deciding to do so isn't normal.
I also didn't feel like the following of the orders wasn't happening out of my own volition, I was consciously reading, understanding the suggestions, rationally thinking over whether it's a good idea to try to follow, and then putting in effort to try and do it. I felt a bit tired but I'm not sure if that feeling was real or if I'm just gaslighting myself. I do admit, I started trying to follow every order later, even the ones I didn't really trust. Got desperate because I felt my hypnosis "wasn't good enough to count", I guess.
Also, "stopping and smelling the roses" only worked on me the very first time when I was back to, and it only worked the tiniest bit.
Oh and, last thing, I felt a constant sense of unease throughout the whole thing. definitely not normal for that.
I put in the description this game is not for newcomers . The point of the game isn't to "follow orders", it's suppose to help you relax. I think you went into this game with preconceived notions to what hypnosis was, overthought it and it didn't work because you thought hypnosis is being forced to do something when it's not, It's more like meditation. I would probably play my other games which are for newcomers, Lavlabs and Hypnoticaquest are better for that. Or if you prefer meditation, Medivination is another game better suited.
I am aware this isn't exactly for newcomers, but every other thing I had found until now was for people that are WAY off into the deep end (or at least so it seemed to me). I mostly picked this game because a calming hypnosis seemed like a good one to dabble in to help get rid of my irrational fear of hypnosis (Because I know my fear is based on misconceptions about what hypnosis is).
I'm aware that hypnosis isn't just being forced into doing things, and I'm aware of the similarities to meditation, I have done quite a bit of research on the topic. But I thought doing what I was told (or trying to) would at least help... I'm not exactly sure how I should be acting when... preparing to be hypnotized? is that the right way to phrase that? Anyway, thanks for the game suggestions!
Yeah it's fine, it's might just be this style is not for you. There's many different types of ways to go into trance and my games are more theatrical/recreational than straight forward or medical related. Theatrical part is more stage hypnosis like if that's the best way to describe it? Maybe a simple guided relaxation might be better for starting off.
I see, thank you for the help.
10/10 would get brainwashed again
Update: It's the day after I played this, and thinking the word "roses" still instantly makes my brain enter Power Saving Mode what
it didn't work on me it was just boring
sometimes certain inductions don’t work on certain people. Just how the nature of hypnosis is.
instead of feeling at peace my heart started beating faster and i was getting unusually angry for what seemed like no reason
Yeah this game isn't meant for someone who does hypnosis for the first time. That's a disclaimer I put in the description. Hopes that helps.
okie dokie although i have tried doing hypnosis before never worked tho
Hypnosis is like meditation, both require a lot of concentration and patience. Probably look up why online since many times it's very simple changes.
RAAAHHHHH WHY IS HE KINDA CUTE WHEN HE BLUSHES thamk you for the amazing game :3
I flirted with silly lil mustache man I love him as a character so silly just a goofy lil guy I <3 silly lil evil scientists who look like they haven't slept in years
got me blushin n shitttt
I saw the thumbnail and said "Woah a hot scientist count me in", then I saw his normal sprites and went "nevermind he's ugly there's no way they can make THIS hot"
then he semi-took off his glasses...
It's a relaxation game not a dating game you weirdo
holy fucked shit i was having a huge panic attack earlier and still under the effects of it, and holy batshit this calmed me down SO much. This is an etherial feeling that I NEVER want to let go of. It worked! And with no hypnosis experience whatsoever, it worked and made me feel SO GOOD
Wow that’s amazing. I actually used to have panic attacks too but hypnosis helped. Glad it worked for you🌀
I am hoping to finally be able to play an uninterrupted playthrough of Lavender Laboratories tonight! I want to SO badly, but have never had the time. I'm going to curl up in a corner and play it right now!
Aw cool! Enjoy it.
this is awesomee
Hey, bloof im making a show and I want to add him to the show is that ok?
As a character? Or reviewing the game? What type of show?
character and the show is abut a wrld in hell
Oh, so it's fan art? Feel free to credit me then and include a link.
:D Thank u!!!!
i made fan art :D i hope u like it :)
Aw thank you!! I do like it.
:DDDD Thnk u :3
damn this shit boring af
When playing this the art style was giving me total rhythm heaven vibes XD...Dr.Voldritch is very silly and attractive...99999/10
he’s just a mad scientist. He doesn’t try hard
its hard to focus when i am so busy being ashamed of myself for finding dr voldritch insanely attractive
edit: finish d the fifrst plahythrough, sending thdis to my aprtner i tthink he''ll like i. gn
I'm looking back on this the day after and laughing. My typing was so bad. Good work on this game, dude.
There's 3 more games and a comic if you want more cringe ;^)
I don't think it's cringe at all, your content is awesome. I'm gonna have to look more into it when I get a chance.
"Your surprise me so oof how absolutely receptive you are even to the slightest bit of care"
Thanks is called lack of affection
10/10 for removing your worries... but I will reduct points as I still can't shake off the fatigue! 10/10 - 7.5/10.
...and of course, 10/10 for the character and music.
Feeling super tired after doing hypnosis for the first time is super normal and everyone experience it lol Best you can do is sleep it off. Glad you liked it!
I have never been so relaxed playing a visual novel with a mad scientist
Amazing <3
Well text based hypnosis (especially in the silly format I made it in lol) tends to not work as well as irl hypnosis cause it has more interaction. If it helps, you can try meditation/self hypnosis since it requires inner focus rather than outer.
Seducen failed... LOl
ASMR the game lol :)
its hypnosis, ratlord
It did make me sleepy even though I wanted to resist!
I mean the whole point is to relax but I guess you can play it for the story? lol
It felt too ominous that he wanted to control me haha!
Oh yeah the game wasn't for first time Recreational hypnosis. I put a disclaimer again on top.
Think everyone can experience the game in a different way, I didn't go in intending to relax but just to try it out!
Basically the effects worked, I wanted to see if I could resist. I mean I was sleepy starting out so gotta try again during the day haha
I came up with a rather funny idea.
What if you were to make the most chaotic character possible?
Just a suggestion...
But at the end of the day, hypnosis is just suggestions.The old account...
I have returned. My alt should help in the future.
10/10 will play again
my anxiety ruined the game for me but that's fine
If it helps, the third game has a meditation with no mad science stuff if you choose the bloof route.
oh.. DR Voldritch my beloved
not gonna lie, i sleeped in mid game
Well it did work in a way haha
correction: when he just repeats himself over and over it tricks my brain into looping a hypnotic pattern in my mind.
the noise of the text at the beginning made me want to throw my notebook against the wall, cool game, I really got sleepy, too bad the doctor couldn't stop talking and I had to listen to the noise of the text (seriously, man change that noise)
Just lower the volume of the sfx.
I'm on the floor... I played this before and I'm playing it again and he got me on the floor all over again...
Well get a pillow and take a nap lol
Yes you can.
You can kiss his rats.
I would but my father is a rat.